The rain came on Friday and got steadily worse overnight. What the hell, I went anyway.
Didn't manage to wet a line as the water had risen a good 6 foot. My picture doesn't give justice to the flow, but it was almost fast enough to appear on Top Gear!

One me way home I stopped at Chorlton Water Park. Maybe a Pike or two would be tempted by a juicy lure on a wet Saturday afternoon.
Helpfully though, someone had posted 'No Fishing' signs everywhere.
A chat in the Wardens hut and I discovered the local 'ecologists' had imposed a closed season from December until April.
I gave up and did the weekly shop with Ayesha. I'm sure a trout in the freezer aisle gave me a wink...
Anyway, on a brighter note I've just bought myself a new centre-pin reel. Never used one before, just fancied trotting a worm down the Mersey.
The reel is marked with the name Marco Cortesi and it cost about £40. Some may say it's a pile of rubbish but I'll be happy enough if it gives me a season or two. Most online comments were generally positive.
Any thoughts?